Humboldt County Marketing Cheat Sheet

Welcome Humboldt County Business Owners!
This guide will help you change your thinking about how you approach your local marketing strategy.

Discover how you can add actual value to your business and see an extra 100-1000% growth for your business.


👋 Introduction

Hi, my name is Serg and I am the author of this cheat sheet. I am passionate about local business marketing and am here to help Humboldt County navigate our unique eclectic landscape of consumers.

Humboldt County has more entrepreneurs per capita than just about any place in the world, and it is no wonder as the spirit of the West still runs deep within us.

If you are a business owner that wants to unlock your marketing potential and start earning the revenue you know you deserve please take the time to go through this cheat sheet and take action along the way.

Best, Serg Mihaylo, ArcataBIZ

The Number One Secret !

What does every business need?


The ultimate aim is to grow your business and there are three things that every small business needs to hit to achieve growth.

-Generating new customers-Get your existing customers to buy from you more often or refer clients.

-Get your existing customers to spend more money each visit.

But how exactly are you doing this?

Using Facebook, Instagram, TikTok, Radio, TV, YouTube and all the other channels out there is great. But these services are pricey to use and drive real profitable results. The free methods are not as effective as you would like.

Here is why…

these platforms profit from you paying to get in front of their audience

. So what should you do?


Build a list of your best customers and market to them on your own terms…

And then remind them to…



In short, build a marketing channel that

YOU exclusively own!

This step is by far the best and most successful way to build value for your company and control your marketing campaign and business.

Imagine having a database that you could send a text offer to when you need more business.

What Tactics will we use to build our list?

  • SMS / Text

  • Signup Forms

  • Contests

  • POS system data

  • Old Mailchimp Lists

  • Facebook Ads

  • Contact forms

  • Chat WIdgets

Why is this important? Why not just pay for Facebook Ads?

Because... Facebook ads are expensive! Our tactics include using giveaways, contact forms and SMS texts to collect our leads. We use Facebook ads as well, but we capture their info so we can advertise to them personally, without having to pay Facebook again.

🐣 Some More Crucial Basics

#1. - Google My Business

Google is the Juggernaut of the internet. A thoughtfully curated Google Business listing will make your business legit and give customers the opportunity to search for you and find you easily.

Optimize your Google My Business listing

Google My Business delivers information about local businesses to the search engine results for google users. – optimize this listing.


This means confirming your information is up to date, the correct category is selected and that all your services are accurate and relevant.

The information that you provide in your Google My Business listing is known to impact your website ranking on google. The info that you use during optimization will greatly affect your results. Creating an optimized description, for example, gives Google a clue as to what to rank you for, and can entice search users to visit your store or give you a call.

Generating reviews and responding to them in detail is paramount. (read that again.)

#2. - Fix the "Leaky Bucket"

The leaky bucket theory is more of an analogy. It is used because it is a nice and simple way of understanding the concept of customer relationship management and how to increase customer lifetime value.

Most people have a web site, and call it good.

Some even have a "Mailing List" where they capture emails.... but most never do anything with them... but might..... someday... maybe... and I get it....

but what we you ACTUALLY doing to collect and contain a list of people who showed interest in your company?


Keep a database of everyone who contacts you, forever.

Advertise to them through direct messages, text, email....


Sounds like a big undertaking?

It was... but we have simplified it and done the work for you. We will give you a login to where you can access all of your contacts, websites, funnels, calendars, chats and automations and send out automated SMS messages, emails and instagram direct messages automatically from one dashboard.

Imagine being able to text every one of your contacts with the push of a button!

#3 - Social Media

Nowadays, social media is the cheapest way to get you message out there. A well curated following is important but a well defined call to action is the way to monetize.


  • Curate Social Media platforms with your info and colors

  • Make a targeted #hashtag string that you use throughout

  • Post to all platforms at once (save time)

  • Always give an link to connect or buy

  • Automate you next month in advance.

Social Media will work to collect your audience, but getting their email or phone number upgrades them to a lead.

Outreach is Important, but without sales, no business can survive.


Social Media Management

ask us about our social media management toolkit

These are by far the top 3 things you can do for 2023.

If you would like to test drive our All-In-1 system or try on one of our services a-la carte, just reach out.

ArcataBIZ -

"Helping Humboldt Connect"

Way way more than just a webpage.

If you need some help, or want to demo our software, reach out to me.
My passion is to help Humboldt small businesses succeed.

  • Customer Relation Manager (CRM) software

  • Website builder

  • Landing page and Sales funnel builder

  • Quiz and survey builder

  • Membership site builder

  • Marketing automation tools (email, SMS, voice drops)

  • Tracking software (clicks, leads, calls, replies, conversion rate)

  • Appointment scheduling software

Serg Mihaylo